New Puppy Checklist


Everything you need to get started and make your pup feel at home!

Getting Things Ready

Puppy/ dog training book purchase or get advice online

Essentials: Food, Water, Treats, & Toys

Food puppies need high quality food for health and growth (Learn about: LFD Kennel's Dachshund Diet)
Bowls food and water bowls, make sure they are of a lower height so there is no strain on pup
Food Storage airtight containers or bins for dry food; lids for open cans of wet food and remember to refrigerate!
Treats rewards when puppy training   (... and just because!)
Chew Toys puppies are still teething, but beware of squeakers dachshund can eat them, no rawhide
Cuddle Toys a new environment & maybe missing siblings -- they even make some with light heat packs!
Toy Box/Bin toys, toys, & more toys! avoid tripping hazards with storage, but make sure your pup can easily get their toys out

Safe Place to Sleep & Play

Bed & blankets dachshunds love to burrow and get comfy! (Need Help?: LFD Pinterest Page)
Crates & Gates size adequate for a mature dog (Learn about: Crate Training)
Litter box (opt) pellets made of alfalfa or paper are safe in case of ingesting

Safe Outside Play & Travel             

Harness not a neck collar, a harness suited for a dachshund (Need Help?: LFD Pinterest Page)
ID Tags even indoor dogs need identification, make sure to include: pup's name, your phone number,  home city
if you can, include your full address
if your pup takes medications: "needs meds"
if your pup is microchipped (LFD encourages it!) (Learn about: Microchipping)
Leash retractable leashes are great for small breeds
Car restraint safest for puppy/dog to travel in the backseat in cage or restraint
Potty pads & Poo bags (Learn about: Housebreaking/Potty Training)

Health & Sanitation

Grooming Supplies shampoo, brush, nail trimmer, toothpaste & brush, ear cleaner (Need Help?: LFD Pinterest Page)
Cleaning supplies non-toxic cleaners, Enzyme spray cleaner for carpets

Baby Benadryl for allergies
Aspirin for pain get Vet approval before using
acetaminophen (Tylenol) 
ibuprofin (Advil or Motrin) 

Establish Your "Pet" Family

Veterinarian a check-up is one of the very first things -- you want a good relationship with a vet for exams and vaccines
Emergency Veterinarian not all vets offer 24-hour services, make sure you know where to go for emergencies
Pet Insurance make sure you're covered, you never know! (Learn about: Pet Insurance)
Pet Sitter find someone you trust, but we recommend having your pup spend time with them before any trips
Dog Groomer it's not exactly a necessity, but if you're not comfortable clipping toe nails and the like, groomer it is!
Dog Trainer first time owning a puppy? a puppy class is a GREAT idea!
Dog Walker peace of mind if you're busy -- your pup needs potty breaks & exercise!

Before You Bring Your Puppy Home

Your puppy is completely dependent on you for everything, and their safety is your No. 1 priority!

Inside Your Home

Don't Forget Outside!